Which Regenerative Ecosystem should you build your business on?
Watch the video below to learn how building your business from a food forest model will help you gain more abundance, more time, and make an even bigger impact on your community and the world.
VIDEO Transcript
Understanding Business As A Food Forest
Want to know which Regenerative Ecosystem you should base your business off of?
That’s what we’re doing today, and this video is for a bit of context and to take you through a meditation that will put you in the right mind and body state to get the most out of it.
If you’re here then I’m going to assume you’re an online business owner who is all in on doing business differently. You are not here to make all the moneys for a private jet or the next flight to Mars, but instead you are deeply passionate about the work that you do and want it to reach more people, while you get to also enjoy a beautiful, intentional, wild life.
99% of business dogma is based on the premise of your business being like a factory. Which guess what? Means you’re a cog in the machine. And your clients and customers are numbers on a spreadsheet.
The intention of this quiz and the entire Regenerative Business framework is that why the fuck would we base our business systems off of cold, lifeless, exploitative factories, when we could base them off of the wildly abundant, fertile, powerful systems that Nature designs…
So, HI! I’m Sam Garcia, founder + lead strategist of Dirty Alchemy Digital Marketing, a boutique marketing agency for thought leaders and course creators whose businesses are devoted to revolutionizing the world + I live on an off-grid regenerative farm my husband designed and stewards on Maui. I wrote the bestselling book Regenerative Business which is about how to use Nature’s design principles to have a more impactful, joyful, abundant, and easeful business.
Which is what this video is about too.
The concept of a Food Forest is something I learned when I got my Permaculture Design Certification in 2012.
The term permaculture is a play on the words “permanent agriculture” and was coined to describe designing food growing systems that mimic how Nature grows food.
Of course it doesn’t actually originate there—
The food forest concept echos the forest gardens common among the Indigenous societies of North America’s northwestern coast, and worldwide.
Indigenous peoples around the world have lived and continue to live in relationship with the land.
Nature doesn’t grow food like large-scale commercial farms, with rows and rows of the same crops acting like a salad bar for bugs, requiring pesticides and human intervention, and centered around making a profit. Nature grows food in forests.
Rainforests cover less than 2% of the Earth’s total surface area, yet they are home to 50% of the Earth’s plants and animals.
Out of the 3,000 plants the U.S. National Cancer Institute has identified as useful in the treatment of cancer, 70% of these plants are found only in rainforests.
At least 80% of the developed world’s food originated in the tropical rainforest.
Fruits like avocados, oranges, tomatoes, vegetables, like corn potatoes, winter squash, spices, like black pepper, coffee and vanilla. And nuts like Brazil nuts and cashews.
All of these originate from rainforests.
These food forests or forest gardens are apart of our human nature and are resilient as fuck.
A sad example showing this is the forest gardens established around First Nation villages in Alaska — colonists forcibly removed the indigenous people from their villages 150 years ago but the forest gardens are currently thriving without human intervention.
The land is waiting for its people to return.
These systems don’t require pesticides to thrive. Or human intervention. They don’t require humans at all. Nature designed them to be self-reliant and to self-regulate — through many species of plants, animals, fungi, insects, bacteria, and rocks, minerals, molecules, elements, all collaborating and cohabitating in a multidimensional cycle of death and growth, all in the name of increased alive-ness of the system.
In ecological succession, most ecosystems end up like a forest. And without significant disturbances, like wildfires or severe climate changes or humans coming through a clearcutting it, the forest will endure indefinitely, because the system becomes stable and self-perpetuating.
So within permaculture, whether you’re designing a backyard food growing system, or a 100+ acre farm, you’re using this concept of a Food Forest in its design.
Because who’s the most fertile, abundant, resilient systems designer? Nature.
And remember, when we design like Nature does, our systems are less reliant on us. We get our freedom and time back. And we create something beautiful and wild for the world, that can shock the current Industrial status quo.
And it doesn’t have to stop at food-growing systems.
We can use Nature’s principles and teachings to design our business systems too.
If you’ve hit this page, you want to know which regenerative ecosystem you should base your business systems off of to hit your goals of more abundance, more spaciousness, more impact – all that good stuff.
And with that we’ll be setting your Food Forest goal
Before designing your business like a Food Forest you need to be clear on what your goal is. Because a goal of growing enough food for your family with as little work required from you as possible, versus you creating a community hub and demonstration site, versus you wanting as much food production as possible so you can sell your extra to local restaurants and create value added products to sell at farmers markets, all of those could be done on the same plot of land, but what you plant and what systems you set up would be significantly different.
Down below this video you’ll find the questions to get clear on your business’s ultimate goal — it’s a short quiz whose answers will enlighten the decisions you’ll be making for the large-scale and long-term future of your business.
This matters A LOT. Most business owners I know are short-sighted in their planning. They plan for the next year or maybe even just the next month, which is so understandable if you’re trying to make ends meet. But the longer-term vision of your business, I’m talking the next 5 or 10+ years is what really needs to be driving the ship. Because the things that you invest your money in now – the things you invest precious time in now, can be building up progressively over time, or they will need to be burned down later on to build anew. Sure, not a waste because you’ll have built so much experience throughout, but it’s so much more easeful and spacious to not have to do that. Believe me.
For this quiz – Please really tune into what you REALLY want, versus what’s flashy or what you could brag about. It is just as worthy and valid and valuable to want to design your business to support your preferred lifestyle and help your people in your corner of the internet, as it is to want to build a massive organization where you’re featured on The View.
Again, don’t answer this the way you think you “should” answer. See yourself in the future and the type of life you want to have. Try and let go of any “good girl” programming on what the “right” or “good” answer is. Just tune into your heart/gut/body and be honest about what you want + what really feels right for you.
Now let’s let go of any current stress or outside influence…
– Close your eyes and adjust so you’re comfortable
– Take 3 deep breaths – 6 counts in and out
– Relax your muscles from the top of your head to your toes
– Feel the weight of your body being pulled into the earth
– See a pillar of white light coming down from the center of the Galaxy and clearing your body
– Shake it out
Now head on down to the quiz and go through it from a 3-5 years from now perspective. If you can think back 3 years ago – actually do this now – where were you in your life and business 3 years ago – recognize how much can drastically change in 3 years. So let’s assume you can start putting regenerative business systems in your business now, so 3 years from now your experience of life and business is drastically different and very intentional.
Where do you want to be? Now go take that quiz.
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