Regenerative Business Creation Lab

Your business could be as abundant, resilient, and self-sustaining as an old growth forest.

Why the fuck would you follow the (exploitative, sterile) standard of basing it off of a factory??

– Sam Garcia, Author of Regenerative Business

Your business could be as abundant, resilient, and self-sustaining as an old growth forest.

Why the fuck would you follow the (exploitative, sterile) standard of basing it off of a factory??

– Sam Garcia, Author of Regenerative Business

We grew up in a society defined by the Industrial Revolutions. 

Look around. Even online businesses using the latest technology & AI with “conscious leaders” are spouting about maximizing profit, increasing efficiency, and conversions.

When the “fish tank” you are swimming in is polluted, you have to jump out of the fish tank. Ideally into a pristine, spring-fed lake.

The Regenerative Business reality is that EVERY business owner can have a fertile, self-sustaining, abundant ECOSYSTEM as a business.


A Regenerative Business is a business that runs like a thriving ecosystem — based on the principles of Nature as a systems designer.
The business ecosystem supports the business owner and uses its energy to transform the people it comes into contact with and make the world a better place.

Whether you are starting a brand-new business or you are a well-seasoned entrepreneur, a service provider or a course creator or shop owner, have your hands in the ground everyday or do nothing related to the earth, you can still have a Regenerative Business!

That’s what you’ll create in the Regenerative Business Creation Lab — the 6 month online mentorship where business owners ditch the draining Industrial Mindset & embrace the abundance & impact that comes when you align your business with Nature…




The 6-month Online Program + Support Community to Activate Your Thriving Regenerative Business Ecosystem

In this all-encompassing online experience, you’ll receive pre-recorded video trainings and resources, along with live coaching, interactive Q+A calls, community, and magical support.

In between, you’ll have assignments to implement every element in your own business. I’ll be there to troubleshoot with you every step of the way.

How it works:


As soon as you checkout you’ll be redirected to the members portal where you have instant access to 35 hours of trainings, 100+ resources, 12 rituals and meditations, 20+ hours of Q&A recordings to jump in and get results this week.

You get lifetime access to all of the materials so you can binge it, pace yourself, revisit it again over time. You get access to all future improvements and additions to the program too!


You’ll get a welcome email with an invite to the private Facebook group, private podcast, and live call schedule.


You get expert support from Sam & the Dirty Alchemy team during our Live Focus Weeks each month.

At the end of the year you’ll also get an invite to our virtual mastermind day if you participated all year long!



Some entrepreneurs aren’t making enough money to pay their bills.

Some entrepreneurs are making the money but at the expense of their health, relationships, and wild spirit.

Some have a vision of ‘what could be’ but after years of hustling they’re ready to go back to corporate.

We live in a culture where 75% experienced burnout.

Only 18% of small business owners work less than 40 hours a week.

While 50% of businesses fail in the first 5 years.

We live in a society that pretty much requires you to have a side hustle or be an entrepreneur due to inflation and lack of public support.

Regenerative business is all about creative, conscious business owners tapping into the abundance of time, resources (including cash), and support that is available to them through re-aligning their business to Nature.

Everyone ought to have a wildly fulfilling life with every need and desire met. Yet, few people do.

Most business owners hustle to “have the freedom” to work for themselves, while their schedules balloon into 60+ hours a week.

Feeling the pressure to make money (a key element of safety in our current society) all on their shoulders.

Unsurprisingly, the effects build up over time, and show up physically.

The griping energy of needing to control showing up like TMJ. A low libido. Terrible sleep. IBS.

Feeling like “you got to do it alone” and that “it’s all on you” is the invisible mantra of capitalism.

And this lie is killing your life force, your creativity, your greatest gifts, your highest potential for wealth.



If your business is tied with your soul purpose – the work you’re meant to do in the world – then it affects everything.

It’s interwoven with your life force (through your creativity), your safety (through money), your joy (through relationships with clients, collaborators, peers, mentors).

When business feels off, or stuck, or slow, it’s torture, so does life.

When business feels vibrant, exciting, in flow, electric… all parts of our lives thrive.

The key piece that most business owners miss is that:


We’re no longer alone.

We get to draw on the magnitude of the soul of our business and our entire business ecosystem to fuel our mission.


Trade has been an essential part of creating and maintaining healthy human relationships within communities and among nations for thousands of years.

And it’s even more inherent than that.

Exchange is apart of Nature — the inflow and outflow of resources 

Even on a cellular level we exchange fluids and energy.

Business, marketing, sales, trade, have all been perverted through the lens of capitalism, industrialization, and colonialism.

We have dehumanized the people we work with.

We have stripped natural resources from their innate value, beyond their monetary “worth.”

But we all came from animism – it calls to our souls.

This knowledge that everything on earth (even metals and rocks) have life-force, value, and worth.

Through our objectification of each other and every thing, we have fallen into the trap that we are alone in this. That if we don’t take it for ourselves then someone will take it from us.

We get our power from Nature. From being apart of Nature.

Our mental health issues, physical ailments, and lack of time and resources all comes down to our disconnection from Nature.

Because our flow of creative energy goes in on itself. Instead of intermingling with the energy of the earth, and the soul of our business, it vibrates within us like anxiety, or completely stagnates.

It’s like a geyser that you’re trying to stop from erupting — you can try, but that power will come out somewhere… only in a more destructive way.

Most people have NO IDEA how to create a thriving, powerful, energizing, self-regulating business.

Even people who have profitable businesses don’t know how to create a regenerative business ecosystem.


Factory-inspired Businesses: What do they look like?

  • Obsessing over money – not in a “I love being intimate with my finances” kind of way, but in a “I need to do this to survive!!”
  • Feeling like there is not enough time to get everything done.
  • Handing over your authority to “experts” and following their “formulas” despite your intuition wanting to veer in a different direction.
  • Micro-managing your team because you don’t believe they’ll do it as good as you, or you don’t believe they care about your business as much as you do.
  • Creative ruts.
  • Low libido.
  • Income plateaus or rollercoasters.
  • Feeling resentful of your clients, your team, or of your business as a whole.
  • Day-dreaming of getting really sick so that you can take some time off.
  • Following advice that feels off to you, so you can check it off your To Do list or get a gold star.
  • Using unhealthy “fuel” in your business to motivate you to get shit done – e.g., anxiety, pressure, drinking alcohol to get through shit you don’t want to do, weed, urgent deadlines…

All of this is a result of disconnecting your business from Nature. If you aren’t tapping into Nature’s power, it inverts on you and creates chaos or stagnation in your life, from health to money issues. It’s all connected.

As a regenerative business owner, it’s your duty to design your business like a thriving ecosystem.


(Click the purple tbs to read each section + if you’re on mobile then the full sections open up BELOW the tabs)

1. Money flows in easily.

“Celebrating that in the last few weeks I've secured 4 out of 8 spots for longer term astro-coaching since dissolving my Patreon and I haven't even announced this yet to my newsletter or IG community. This is an exponential increase in revenue with a sliver of the work output. Yes yes yes.”

– Britten LaRue

I doubled my income, sometimes even tripled what I was making before I started this program.

Every month that I've been in the container, I’ve doubled my income easily. Like, super duper easily with no extra work. I'm not even pitching, it's just flowing in. The ease with which it has happened is incredible. All of that is because this is a very magical container.”

– Robin Langford

I made my 10K goal without even trying or realizing it until I ran my numbers at the end of the month! I also feel really clear about what I'm doing this year, it feels aligned, it's coming from ME and I'm excited about it.”

– Andrea Tessier

2. You have a spacious schedule and more time in your day to do what you want.

“I’ve experienced deep clarity around which program of mine needs to become my main principle body of work. For the first time in my business, I have a solid plan and I know why I know why I'm doing the things I'm doing.

“I have a schedule, I have operating procedures, and that is revolutionary for this Sagittarian flying-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of person.”

– Tamara

“My email list has grown, I feel way more confident in how I show up, I’ve had a total energetic transplant and mindset shift regarding visibility and money… I also realised the other day that I’m no longer a workaholic!”

– Caroline

3. You’re making a bigger impact.

“I attracted more inquiries this past month than I had in November and December combined.”

– Shannon

I’m showing up STRONG, bold, and consistently on social media. I have over 200 new email subscribers in the past month. I interviewed a leader in my industry for my podcast - it became my favorite episode ever.

I’m consistently receiving glowing feedback from clients and huge results. I’ve been selling from the heart as an authentic human (One convo in particular went from him saying he feels like he's not ready, to HELL YES LET'S GO. Without any icky pushing or convincing.)

“Plus I was able to pay in FULL for a life-changing professional certification that I've been wanting to do for the last couple years :')”

– Nadine Hamilton

4. Your creative juices flow.

“I can't tell you how much this means to me. I can really see not only the improvement in the sales page, but the way that this clarity and these ideas are serving all the copy for my business!"

– Jamie Ridler

“Finding a way to make my voice stand out while still doing sales posts and sales pages has been a big shift recently!”

– Kristen Franey

5. You feel supported by your team, your family, your mentors, by life.

“I want to celebrate that I paid my assistant the most I have ever paid her for a month - almost what I have paid her for an entire year in the past. For ONE MONTH. And it feels so good.

She supported me immensely throughout this past summit and I'm now much more accustomed to recognizing tasks that I just don't want to do and prefer that she accomplish because she just gets it done without all the endless thoughts I would have. #sorefreshing”

– Helena Grant

6. Your clients get amazing results just by jumping into your business ecosystem.

“Whatever material level results happen in your business, there’s huge transformation in just being in this container… and the resources, slides and extras that Sam gives (she really comes into her triple Virgo / Gemini rising own) that you’ll have forever are amazing. It really helped me keep up momentum and morale, especially as I did this container during the most transformative time of my life.”

– Elyna

7. Opportunities pour in & you get the recognition you deserve.

“These past 2 months I’ve had 9 speaking events. All are by invitation, none are ones that I pitched for. Basically one speaking thing led to another & another.

“Thank you for last month's coaching about pricing!!! One gig was going to pay $500 but then with your coaching I said my rate was $2500. They didn't blink.”

– Benita

8. Obstacles and bullshit falls away.

Because of this course, I transitioned to full-time consulting! No more time-sucking, energy-draining W2 job for the first time ever in my professional life.

“I’m over the moon, and I’m making twice as much money, which is WILD. I’ve always associated money with struggle, as in if you want to make more money, you have to be ready to struggle more.

“I am living the reality right now that this is not necessarily the case, because I feel so much more free and peaceful right now as my income is literally doubling. It is such a beautiful thing.”

– Azara Krovatin

9. You build a dreamy funnel you actually *love.*

This was exactly what I needed to think through my strategy to start making money on a consistent basis. Working through the Evergreen Ecosystem helped simplify the process and gave the exact steps I needed to follow.

“I just loved the simplicity of it, making the whole system easy to implement. It's simplified things and taken away the overwhelm of the unknown I've never thought through and setup the entire funnel properly before. I have created lots of products/ services without thinking things through which was helpful.

“If you're wanting to setup your funnels and make consistent money using the exact steps provided, this is the course for you.”

– Olivia Wallis

10. You fall even deeper in love with your business & your brand.

“I have a great new design and my website looks joyful and fresh. I am in love with the new signature of my business. I’m so proud that I joined RBCL, it’s helping me stick to my plan.

– Annette Schumacher

“I understand the identity of my brand! I had no idea she had a soul like that.”

– Aileen Michelle

Like many women, I learned how to be a good little girl in my process of growing up.

I got good grades. I was voted “Most Likely to Succeed” in High School. I graduated from a top university. I squashed my precious creative heart.

Growing up in the Midwest I learned that my worth came from my work ethic.

I could do anything I set my mind to. 

Until I couldn’t…

My dad dying unexpectedly when I was 19, paired with way too much alcohol consistently in college, paired with undereating, paired with working 20 hours a week in addition to being a full-time student, paired with blowing up all my personal relationships, paired with undiagnosed ADHD, became can’t-get-out-of-bed depression.

The kind that brands you & makes you submit.

My will wasn’t as powerful as my mental state.

This was the first time I realized I had to do things differently.

I didn’t get a “normal job” out of college.

I went straight into freelance marketing. I couldn’t handle being around people on a 9-5 schedule.

I didn’t know how my mental state would be on a daily or monthly basis.

I look back now with such gratitude for this time. Because I wonder how far I would’ve gone down this “picket fence” road like a good little girl if I hadn’t triggered such trauma within me.

The darkness triggered a fuck ton that needed to be healed (that is still healing), a launched me down a wildly alternative path, despite having grown up very very good at playing by the rules and getting an A+ at life by most people’s standards.

When my dad died I stopped believing in mainstream medicine and most mainstream advice. I went down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories.

I look back now with such gratitude for this time. Because I wonder how far I would’ve gone down this “picket fence” road like a good little girl if I hadn’t triggered such trauma within me.

The darkness triggered a fuck ton that needed to be healed (that is still healing), a launched me down a wildly alternative path, despite having grown up very very good at playing by the rules and getting an A+ at life by most people’s standards.

When my dad died I stopped believing in mainstream medicine and most mainstream advice. I went down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories.

I found myself living on Maui, working online for remote clients, devoted to the idea of living in alignment with Nature.

I had found permaculture, a white washed interpretation of indigenous land management. I was convinced of eminent societal collapse and wanted to live someplace that had an abundance of potable water and year round food growing.

What I learned very quickly was that Nature is a really brilliant systems designer. At first I thought that humans fucked it all up, but actually, humans lived in alignment with and devotion to Nature for millennia. The Industrial Revolution and colonization and _ fucked it all up.

Humans can be stewards of the earth, and when we act in this way we are living our highest purpose.

And that doesn’t just apply to farming. It applies to all systems we’re involved in.

It applies to your business.

Fast forward 10 years and now:

  • I have a completely location-independent online business helping hundreds of creative, heart-centered business owners have the business that nourishes them and that makes an impact.


  • I have put down roots and have the time and resources to contribute and be active in my local community.


  • I wrote a bestselling award-winning book that gives me passive income AND has people DM-ing me daily telling me how much it’s changed their life.


  • I bought 7 acres where my husband and I are building an off-grid homestead and regenerative agriculture education center, to reforest the area and to leave the land back to the Kingdom of Hawaii.


  • I have a team supporting my business’s mission, healers in my corner, deep IRL friendships, the best life partner I could imagine, trusted mentors and peers…


The experience of melding business & Nature has been so life-changing for me that I’ve dedicated my life’s work to show others how the same is possible for them.

And it is. It is possible for anyone. It is possible for YOU.

So here’s the business school I wish I could have had. The one I have spent over 10 years curating, testing and exploring.

I’m sharing it all with you: Ideas, techniques and solid action steps that will radically change you and your business from the inside out.

Simone Seol

“Visionary CEOs require visionary support. Sam is it.

My expectations were incredibly high, and my needs particular. I needed a partner and a team who would not just ‘get things done; at a high level of execution, but also be intelligent and nimble enough to ‘come with me’ when I do out-of-the-box things to innovate; not merely ‘keep up with me’, but ask me questions that I wouldn’t have thought of, and problem-solve independently, in a way that takes my vision to the next level; not merely check off the boxes and complete the tasks, but truly ‘wow’ the clients I serve with the level of thoughtfulness and care.

“It’s an incredibly tall order. I didn’t think this partner existed, until I met Sam and her team. Thanks to them, I have an amazing ecosystem of business where we are constantly innovating, marketing, sales, and service delivery run seamlessly, and I truly do very little except think and vision, which makes me feel like I’m living my dream life.

Jump into the


The 6-month Digital Deep-Dive to Activate Your Thriving Regenerative Business Ecosystem

In this all-encompassing online experience, you’ll receive pre-recorded video trainings and resources, along with live, interactive Q+A calls.

In between, you’ll have assignments to implement every element in your own business. I’ll be there to troubleshoot with you every step of the way.

Click the purple boxes below to explore each of the 8 online programs that are within RBCL

What’s included:
  • Instant access to the 60+ minute masterclass
  • Somatic Branding Workbook: 12 pages to guide you through the process of finding inspiration, playing with visuals, and decision making
  • Client Avatar Workbook: My most-loved questionnaire to help you find clarity around attracting & speaking to your ideal clients
  • My favorite tools, strategies & websites to inspire you on your branding journey. If you don’t know where to start, it’s here!
  • Journaling prompts & activities to help you clarify your mission, values & vision - all keys to your aligned branding!
Plus these bonuses:
  • MEDITATION #1: Connecting with Your Ideal Person + Business’s Essence
  • MEDITATION #2: Going Deeper into Your Business’s Essence + Mission

Evergreen Ecosystems shifts your energy from constantly needing to use your own energy to call in new clients to creating systems that attract clients for you. Your business will deepen its relationships with your audience all on its own, automatically moving people through your network, so you can spend more time in your zone of genius.

You’ll discover…

  • How funnels work within your business (and why you - yes, you - need one asap)
  • How to choose the offers within your funnels
  • The components of basic and complex funnels
  • How to find JOY in funnel building
  • How to decide which funnel to create first + how to make multiple funnels work together
  • How to NOT be a perfectionist when creating your funnel (and where you don’t want to slack off)
  • The right way to use your funnel to set your next launch up for success
  • Plus, I’ll show you a behind the scenes peek of active working funnels to demystify the process!

What’s included:

Evergreen Ecosystems walks you through the process of creating effective funnels for your offers.

You’ll learn the underlying strategy of funnels so that you can create a totally custom one that aligns with your energy & the energy of your business.

Trainings, including:

  • Our entire user-obsessed program, “Build A Funnel In A Week”
  • Maximizing Energy (in the form of revenue)
  • ATTRACTION: Creating Your Lead Magnet & Entry Level Offer
  • Instagram/Facebook Ads: Energy, Strategy & Setup
  • RENEWAL: Back-End Funnels: Re-enrollment, Ascension, and Re-Engagement
  • Your Unique Business Model
  • Marketing and Sales System

Templates & Resources:

  • Sales Page Template
  • Lead Magnet Optin Page Template
  • Avatar Questionnaire Worksheet
  • Quick Sales Email Sequence
  • Entry Level Offer Sales Page Template
  • Lead Magnet Nurture Email Sequence
  • Expenses Tracker
  • Marketing and Sales System


  • Access Your Zone of Genius
  • Connecting with Your CEO Mindset

Plus these special bonuses!

  • Bonus Course: How to get started with Facebook & Instagram Ads
  • Copywriting Essentials for naming your offers

Where your copy becomes the fully ripe fruit that makes mouths water and your perfect-fit people saying “gimme!”

Messaging and copywriting is some of the most important pieces of marketing. Once you nail it, you feel fully expressed and seen, and it acts like a radio signal that your perfect-fit clients are ready to rock out to.

In the copywriting studio you will learn the timeless fundamentals of seductive and enchanting copy, and practical tips for making it flow out of you like a geyser.

What’s inside??


  • Attracting and CREATING amazing clients that respect you
  • Becoming a cult classic
  • How to be a fast writer (but only if you want to be)
  • Where copy fits into your regenerative business ecosystem
  • The belief work that fuels high-converting
  • Writing Seductive & Emotionally Compelling Copy
  • Cultivating your voice + Thought leadership
  • Telling captivating stories that stop the scroll + hooks readers
  • Copywriting for different stages of the relationship
  • 5 places that copy matters (it’s not just in sales posts)
  • How to get DM’s like “It’s like you’re reading my journal”
  • The emotional transmutation of a post
  • Copy that actually gets READ in a distracted / low-attention world
  • Creating a powerful revolution for people to get behind
  • Hyper practical quick tips
  • Simple Rx’s for copy that’s not working
  • Reusing and repurposing copy
  • Specific guidance (and templates!!) for posts, emails, landing pages, sales pages, and more
  • Watch us edit our client’s copy so you can see epic editing in action
  • How to develop powerful messaging when just starting out

Meditations to get your unconscious mind on board

  • Tapping into your genius
  • Unlock your throat chakra + your powerful rally call
  • Infusing power into your work
  • Ritual for writing - Activating your genius through ritual

DOZENS of templates & resources, including:

  • Sales page template
  • Introduction email sequence to welcome people into your reality
  • 30 days of prompts
  • Program Launch prompts
  • Flash sale prompts
  • Editorial calendar
  • Structures for emails, IG posts, sales pages, blogs…
  • Homepage + Website Pages template
  • Our best performing FB + IG ad templates
  • (And many more)

In Peak Visibility you will learn and harness the power of the many channels that lead people to your work. Or, excuse my marketing lingo here - how to setup organic and paid traffic channels + use them well. I’m talking Instagram algorithm, search engine optimization, how to setup Facebook ads, YouTube, blogging, affiliates, podcasting, and all that fun stuff.

This is the sunlight and water that helps your forest grow. If you have offers that aren’t selling - we first address the messaging and somatic branding to make sure it’s putting out the right scent, but after that, we also need to make sure there’s a consistent flow of right-fit people seeing your work and interacting with it and getting value from it.

The updated trainings will be released: June 2024

This fully renovated online course will unfurl in June 2024, but you get instant access to all of the following pre-recorded trainings, resources, and templates as soon as you join RBCL.


  • Attracting Dream Clients
  • Falling In Love with Your Customer
  • Identifying the Unique Transformation You Provide
  • Developing Your Customer Journey
  • The Enchanted Customer Journey
  • Getting Started with Facebook & Instagram Ads
  • SEO

Learn the process and energetics of online program launches* - from mini to Massive. There is no one way to launch, so in the Sacred Attraction Formula I guide you in uncovering YOUR formula for wild success.

Does that freak you? It’s okay, I got you…

In both Evergreen Ecosystem and the Sacred Attraction Formula, you’re not only getting the trainings that support your success, but also the exact templates we use within our agency to lead multiple-6-figure online launches.

*I know “launch” can be a dirty word so feel free to sub in the word open or release or promotion.

The updated trainings will be released: September 2024

This fully renovated online course will unfurl in September 2024, but you get instant access to all of the following pre-recorded trainings, resources, and templates as soon as you join RBCL.


  • The Ritual of Launching
  • The Energetics of a Launch
  • Connecting with Your Audience During a Launch
  • Launch Messaging: Desire & Buy
  • Pre-Launch Messaging: Connection & Awareness
  • Launching vs. Re-Launching
  • Creating Launch Assets


  • Steal Our Launch Emails
  • 3-Month Launch Project Plan Templates
  • 5-Week Mini-Launch Project Plan Templates
  • The Launch Planning Workbook
  • The Launch Evaluation Workbook

Did you know that when you see a big oak tree, there are just as much roots growing underground as there are branches growing above ground? And if there isn’t enough space for roots to grow, then the branches are stunted? Think: bonsai tree.

The operations and delivery side of your business is the underground root system and mycelium network that allow your branches to grow tall and wide.

Within this Creation Lab program we dive into how you spend your time, and how your team or VA spends their time, what automations you have setup, and all the things that can be moving the needle forward or all the things that are utter wastes of energy. And that also mean digging into your business’ numbers and metrics.

Not always the sexiest thing, but it is one of the most overlooked way of have a self-sufficient business ecosystem that you can walk away from for weeks while it continues to thrive.

The updated trainings will be released: July 2024

This fully renovated online course will unfurl in July 2024, but you get instant access to all of the following pre-recorded trainings, resources, and templates as soon as you join RBCL.


  • Creating Systems in Your Business
  • Designing & Optimizing Your Marketing Systems
  • Designing & Optimizing Your Sales Systems
  • Systematizing Your Operations & Delivery
  • Designing & Optimizing Your Sales Systems
  • The Master System
  • The Rhythms of Your Business
  • Identifying Your Zone of Genius
  • Setting Your Ideal Week & Schedule
  • Externalized Energies & Externalized Energies Audit
  • Externalized Energies Quick Wins


  • GUIDE: How to Automate the Shit Out of Your Business
  • 90-day marketing calendar
  • Marketing Scorecard
  • Customer Relationship Database

How to hire, who to hire, when to hire the people that will support you and your mission.

Collaboration is such an important piece of a thriving system and you being able to trust people or systems to do the work that you aren’t meant to do but that still needs to get done in your business is so imperative for a joyful life.

The updated trainings will be released: November 2024

This fully renovated online course will unfurl in July 2024, but you get instant access to all of the following pre-recorded trainings, resources, and templates as soon as you join RBCL.


  • When (and When Not) to Hire
  • Challenges in Hiring an "A Player"
  • The Perfect Hire 6-Step Process
  • Your Business' Org Chart
  • Being a great leader


  • Hiring Quick Start Guide (PDF + Audio)
  • Perfect Hire Workbook

You as the founder — you planted the first acorn seed that grows into the full forest so the energy you carry in yourself, with your body, your mindset, the energetic practices you do - they can supercharge. This is the fertile soil that you plant in + the regenerative fertilizer you can add in when you want or need it.

Our Regenerative Alchemy program is my ever-growing library of magical practices, rituals, somatic work, shadow work, mindset practices, hypnotic tracks that I use on myself and within my business and recommend for client launches and promotions for more time, money, support, and miracles.

This full magical resource library is always growing. As soon as you join RBCL, you get instant access to all of the following:


  • Why Decision Making is a Key Magical Practice for Business Success
  • Shadow Work: Amplify Your Power by Unifying Your Will
  • How the Shadow Impacts Our Businesses (with Guided Shadow Meditation)
  • Mindset Work & Your Desires
  • Reclaiming Energy & Time Through Your Body
  • Group Magick Within Your Business with Bruja School founder, Maritza Schafer

Rituals & Resources

  • Creating Your Sigil
  • 3 Energy Mastery Techniques
  • Money Consciousness Worksheet

Meditations & Hypnosis

  • Soul Reintegration
  • CUSTOM HYPNOSIS TRACK: Activate Your Most Abundant Timeline & Customized Affirmations Track for *Post-Hypnosis*
  • BONUS: Codes to the Most Abundant Timeline Masterclass




Where “Funnel” becomes the best kind of dirty word

Evergreen Ecosystems is our full program for building an evergreen funnel that takes your people from first contact to trusting you enough to work with you to sharing you with all their friends. 

I know that funnels get a bad rap in the spiritual online business space – maybe you get a rash hearing the word “funnel” – or you’ve tried to build one before and it was either too overwhelming to finish, it didn’t work, or it felt icky.

With Evergreen Ecosystem I walk you step by step through the beautiful process of deepening a relationship with people who you are meant to help.

When you feel like you always have to be “on” in business, or like you always have to be selling, it’s because you haven’t created an evergreen ecosystem.

There’s a concept in regenerative agriculture called “Companion Planting” where one plant takes certain nutrients from the soil while the other provides shade or a thick trunk for a vining plant to grow up. You can think of an Evergreen Ecosystem like this – where you’re intentionally planting offers to work together harmoniously without your human intervention.


Uncover your path to a wildly successful online program launch

Learn the process and energetics of online program launches* – from mini to Massive. There is no one way to launch, so in the Sacred Attraction Formula I guide you in uncovering YOUR formula for wild success.

Does that freak you out? It’s okay, I got you…

In both Evergreen Ecosystem and the Sacred Attraction Formula, you’re not only getting the trainings that support your success, but also the exact templates we use within our agency to lead multiple-6-figure online launches.

*I know “launch” can be a dirty word so feel free to sub in the word open or release or promotion.


A virtual masterclass to define the *felt experience* of your business.

Next up we have 2 programs that allow you to tap into the true essence of your business and offers, to emanate it into the world so that marketing stops feeling like a push or a hard sell, but more like a flower naturally unfolding and putting out it’s scent to attract honeybees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

These are the Somatic Branding Masterclass and the Regenerative Copywriting Lab. 

Through your visuals and words, you can radiate the truth of your offers and attract in your people. The people who are ready to say yes, ready to take action, and are meant for the way that you teach, you do, you serve.


Where your copy becomes the fully ripe fruit that makes mouths water and your perfect-fit people saying “gimme!”

Messaging and copywriting are some of the most important pieces of marketing. Once you nail them, you feel fully expressed and seen, and they act like a radio signal that your perfect-fit clients are ready to rock out to.

In the copywriting lab, you will learn the timeless fundamentals of seductive and enchanting copy, and practical tips for making it flow out of you like a geyser.


The Master Program for opening the pathways to more eyes on your work.

In Peak Visibility, you will learn and harness the power of the many channels that lead people to your work. Or, excuse my marketing lingo here – how to set up organic and paid traffic channels + use them well. I’m talking Instagram algorithm, search engine optimization, how to set up Facebook ads, YouTube, blogging, affiliates, podcasting, and all that fun stuff.

This is the sunlight and water that helps your forest grow.

If you have offers that aren’t selling – we first address the messaging and somatic branding to make sure it’s putting out the right scent, but after that, we also need to make sure there’s a consistent flow of right-fit people seeing your work and interacting with it and getting value from it.


Systematize Your Operations for More Time + Ease, while the Solid Root System of Your Business supports your growth.

Did you know that when you see a big oak tree, there are just as many roots growing underground as there are branches growing above ground? And if there isn’t enough space for roots to grow, then the branches are stunted? Think: bonsai tree.

The operations and delivery side of your business is the underground root system and mycelium network that allow your branches to grow tall and wide.

Within this Creation Lab program we dive into how you spend your time, and how your team or VA spends their time, what automations you have set up, and all the things that can be moving the needle forward or all the things that are utter wastes of energy. And that also means digging into your business’ numbers and metrics.

Systemization isn’t always the sexiest thing, but it is one of the most overlooked ways to have a self-sufficient business ecosystem that you can walk away from for weeks while it continues to thrive.


The 6 Step Process for Hiring a Devoted Team.

How to hire, who to hire, when to hire the people that will support you and your mission. 

Collaboration is such an important piece of a thriving system. You being able to trust people or systems to do the work that you aren’t meant to do, but that still needs to get done in your business, is so imperative for a joyful life.


Harnessing Your Magic + the Energetics of Nature-Based Business.

As the founder, you plant the first acorn seed that grows into the full forest. The energy you carry in yourself – with your body, your mindset, and the energetic practices you do – can supercharge your business. 

Your energy is the fertile soil that you plant in + the regenerative fertilizer you can add in when you want or need it.

Our Regenerative Alchemy program is my ever-growing library of magical practices, rituals, somatic work, shadow work, mindset practices, and hypnotic tracks that I use on myself and within my business. These are the same practices I recommend for client launches and promotions to support the creation of  more time, money, support, and miracles. 



Where “Funnel” becomes the best kind of dirty word

Evergreen Ecosystems is our full program for building an evergreen funnel that takes your people from first contact to trusting you enough to work with you to sharing you with all their friends. 

I know that funnels get a bad rap in the spiritual online business space – maybe you get a rash hearing the word “funnel” – or you’ve tried to build one before and it was either too overwhelming to finish, it didn’t work, or it felt icky.

With Evergreen Ecosystem I walk you step by step through the beautiful process of deepening a relationship with people who you are meant to help.

When you feel like you always have to be “on” in business, or like you always have to be selling, it’s because you haven’t created an evergreen ecosystem.

There’s a concept in regenerative agriculture called “Companion Planting” where one plant takes certain nutrients from the soil while the other provides shade or a thick trunk for a vining plant to grow up. You can think of an Evergreen Ecosystem like this – where you’re intentionally planting offers to work together harmoniously without your human intervention.


Uncover your path to a wildly successful online program launch

Learn the process and energetics of online program launches* – from mini to Massive. There is no one way to launch, so in the Sacred Attraction Formula I guide you in uncovering YOUR formula for wild success.

Does that freak you out? It’s okay, I got you…

In both Evergreen Ecosystem and the Sacred Attraction Formula, you’re not only getting the trainings that support your success, but also the exact templates we use within our agency to lead multiple-6-figure online launches.

*I know “launch” can be a dirty word so feel free to sub in the word open or release or promotion.


A virtual masterclass to define the *felt experience* of your business.

Next up we have 2 programs that allow you to tap into the true essence of your business and offers, to emanate it into the world so that marketing stops feeling like a push or a hard sell, but more like a flower naturally unfolding and putting out it’s scent to attract honeybees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

These are the Somatic Branding Masterclass and the Regenerative Copywriting Lab. 

Through your visuals and words, you can radiate the truth of your offers and attract in your people. The people who are ready to say yes, ready to take action, and are meant for the way that you teach, you do, you serve.


Where your copy becomes the fully ripe fruit that makes mouths water and your perfect-fit people saying “gimme!”

Messaging and copywriting are some of the most important pieces of marketing. Once you nail them, you feel fully expressed and seen, and they act like a radio signal that your perfect-fit clients are ready to rock out to.

In the copywriting lab, you will learn the timeless fundamentals of seductive and enchanting copy, and practical tips for making it flow out of you like a geyser.


The Master Program for opening the pathways to more eyes on your work.

In Peak Visibility, you will learn and harness the power of the many channels that lead people to your work. Or, excuse my marketing lingo here – how to set up organic and paid traffic channels + use them well. I’m talking Instagram algorithm, search engine optimization, how to set up Facebook ads, YouTube, blogging, affiliates, podcasting, and all that fun stuff.

This is the sunlight and water that helps your forest grow.

If you have offers that aren’t selling – we first address the messaging and somatic branding to make sure it’s putting out the right scent, but after that, we also need to make sure there’s a consistent flow of right-fit people seeing your work and interacting with it and getting value from it.


Systematize Your Operations for More Time + Ease, while the Solid Root System of Your Business supports your growth.

Did you know that when you see a big oak tree, there are just as many roots growing underground as there are branches growing above ground? And if there isn’t enough space for roots to grow, then the branches are stunted? Think: bonsai tree.

The operations and delivery side of your business is the underground root system and mycelium network that allow your branches to grow tall and wide.

Within this Creation Lab program we dive into how you spend your time, and how your team or VA spends their time, what automations you have set up, and all the things that can be moving the needle forward or all the things that are utter wastes of energy. And that also means digging into your business’ numbers and metrics.

Systemization isn’t always the sexiest thing, but it is one of the most overlooked ways to have a self-sufficient business ecosystem that you can walk away from for weeks while it continues to thrive.


The 6 Step Process for Hiring a Devoted Team.

How to hire, who to hire, when to hire the people that will support you and your mission. 

Collaboration is such an important piece of a thriving system. You being able to trust people or systems to do the work that you aren’t meant to do, but that still needs to get done in your business, is so imperative for a joyful life.


Harnessing Your Magic + the Energetics of Nature-Based Business.

As the founder, you plant the first acorn seed that grows into the full forest. The energy you carry in yourself – with your body, your mindset, and the energetic practices you do – can supercharge your business. 

Your energy is the fertile soil that you plant in + the regenerative fertilizer you can add in when you want or need it.

Our Regenerative Alchemy program is my ever-growing library of magical practices, rituals, somatic work, shadow work, mindset practices, and hypnotic tracks that I use on myself and within my business. These are the same practices I recommend for client launches and promotions to support the creation of  more time, money, support, and miracles. 


“Super easy $10k month, and I got to be fully present with my family and baby during her first birthday week!!!

“I am sooo happy I am organized about my biz finances. I keep a big buffer of $$ in my account. I had to refund $2500 to someone who had to drop out of my retreat due to a new cancer diagnosis 😵‍💫 And it was such a no brainer refund. Happy the money was there.

My 1:1 has been full for months so I’m starting a mastermind and already have 2 info calls set up. And I have my first coaching sales call since JUNE in 90 minutes!!!”

– Brianna

I finished my funnel in a week! I am actually very excited to have a system work FOR me! I had two people already raise their hand to the offer after just one email so I can see how it all works now!

“It was like I was making it up as I went for so long and now I feel like I have a plan that I’m aligned with and it feels amazing!

I made my $10K goal without even trying or realizing it until I ran my numbers at the end of the month!

I also feel really clear about what I’m doing this year, it feels aligned, it’s coming from ME and I’m excited about it. 2 new 1:1 clients in January too.

My ads continue to run really well. I hosted a masterclass at the end of April – had 60 people sign up, 22 show up, and 6 purchases of my ELO. So stoked about these numbers and to see this ecosystem working and coming together.”

– Andrea Tessier

Over and over again, being in this program brings me back to my own wisdom and the wisdom of my business.

“I feel like I lost so much time (which is totally fine because it was no doubt necessary) being distracted by ‘the way it’s done” or listening to ‘nobody else does it this way’ doubt. This program is that sweet spot where I find my own way while calibrating against what has been demonstrated to be successful.

“Somewhere over the past while, I lost my way. I forgot that what I needed to trust was myself, the work and the magic. With that, anything is possible. Thanks for helping me remember.

The Universe really knew what it was doing when it dropped this program in front of me. I am so thankful for you, for the work and for the community.”

– Jamie Ridler

I’ve already received more money than the amount I’d set for myself this month, and I haven’t even completed making or sharing an offer yet 🙂

“I realized that I’d still been waiting for things to change before I allowed myself to relax or feel good- so I gave myself more permission to do what feels good NOW, trusting that all will be accomplished in perfect time. The above attitude created space for me to have deep, vulnerable conversations with my mom which helped heal old wounds around my mother and receiving love in general.

“The daily money tracker magic you showed us inspired me to set a clear goal, and watch it come to fruition.”

– Yeeve

“I have so much clarity around starting to play the long game in my business. I am motivated to get my systems up and running so that they can slowly start to build their own momentum.

“I have worked for myself since I was in my early 20’s (almost 15 years) and I am finally starting to understand how I can build out my business to start working for me instead of running myself ragged to make ends meet.”

– Katie Pelkey



More tools for your regenerative business journey. We continue the business education most people have never had.


Instant access to all of the previous renditions of our business growth online programs that have been only available previously to our high-level mastermind clients.
(Value: $10,000)


In addition to lifetime access to the trainings, you also get all future improvements and expansions on them!! This program will be a living library as the tech landscape changes, the online landscape changes, and the collective reality shifts.
(Value: $3500)


The RBCL Private Podcast to listen on the go + fully immerse in the material
(Value: $500)


SOP Vault for all the things like how to start a podcast, annual planning meeting agendas, and hundreds more.
(Value: $2500)


Energetic practices, rituals, and mindset work for business growth, along with the full Meditation Collection, featuring meditations and hypnotic tracks for more visibility, abundance, success, peace, and time.
(Value: $750)


Canva templates for sales pages, Instagram, Meta ads, slideshows, and more.
(Value: $300)


My top tech recommendations for each stage of business — always updated!
(Value: $250)


    Everyone who…

      Does the monthly surveys
    ➡  Posts at least one update or question in the pop-up Facebook group each month in 2024
    ➡  Shares twice publicly about their experience in the program

    🎁 Will receive Bonus Virtual Mastermind Day AT THE END OF 2024…

    …ya know, in addition to creating a thriving, self-reliant regenerative business 💦


    $17,800 – included free in the program!



    ✔️ Keys to the Regenerative Business Video Trainings, mp3s, workbooks, and resources

    ✔️ Lifetime Access to all the programs within the Creation Lab, including any future updates and additions

    ✔️ IMMEDIATE access to our “Legacy” courses & Resources Vault

    ✔️ Monthly 2+ hour Coaching Calls with Sam

    ✔️ Monthly Q&A Transmissions

    ✔️ The RBCL private FB group



    1 FULL








    your mentor

    Sam Garcia is here to connect your business and life with the genius systems of Nature.

    She is a business coach, healer, regenerative agriculture expert, and best-selling author.

    She has been the behind-the-scenes right-hand woman for some of the most creative, reality-busting 7+-figure brands in the online course space.

    Business is the ultimate vehicle for shadow work and soul evolution, and has the biggest impact potential to change the world (or totally disrupt our fucked up society), more than any meditation or non-profit can.

    Sam works with a host of modalities for business resilience—strategic, energetic, psychological, and magical—to drastically change your business landscape to one that honors your nature, our collective, and the earth.



    What is the format of the Regenerative Business Creation Lab?

    This program is a compilation of 8 full-length online courses that work together to redesign your business the way Nature would design it. Each course is pre-recorded with video, audio, transcripts, and workbooks, to support every learning style.

    Throughout 2024 you get monthly live Coaching calls with Sam, the monthly pop-up community, and monthly Q&A transmissions to get your questions answered.

    What is the cost?

    The full price is $3333 USD. You can also choose the 3- or 6-month payment plan options, or use AfterPay (which is available on the Pay-In-Full checkout page for even lower payment plan options)

    Do you offer a payment plan?

    We do. You may choose to spread it out over six months, with 6 payments of $555. Or, over twelve months with 12 payments of $288.

    The 12-month payment plan is not normally an option, so this is a very special option during this June Bloom promotion.

    What type of person is this program best suited for?

    This program is for online business owners and entrepreneurs looking to shift towards a regenerative business model and truly anyone who wants to make their business more sustainable and self-reliant.

    This is specifically designed for online service providers and online program creators, and is not ideal for those whose businesses center around selling physical products (e.g., selling t-shirts) or those who run local in-person businesses (e.g., a coffee shop).

    I’m very new when it comes to regenerative business practices, will this be too advanced for me?

    Transitioning to a regenerative business model is one of the best steps you can take early in your business journey. This program will help you understand the foundational principles and practices, setting you up for long-term success.

    Whether you’re making your first $20,000 year or you’re making over 7-figures — there are trainings and principles that will help you feel more spacious, abundant, and at ease in your business.

    I have a well established business, will this be too basic?

    How is your business feeling right now? Does it feel heavy? Do you feel like you’re spending 80%+ of your working hours in your zone of genius? Do you have a team that’s managing themselves (and you) and are devoted to the business’s mission? Are you being celebrated as a thought leader in your industry? Do you feel deeply aligned with your business's impact on the planet? If any of these questions made you pause, this program is for you 😉

    I’m not sure if this is right for me — can we talk??
    I’m have a well established business, will this be too basic?

    How is your business feeling right now? Does it feel heavy? Do you feel like you’re spending 80%+ of your working hours in your zone of genius? Do you have a team that’s managing themselves (and you) and are devoted to the business’s mission? Are you being celebrated as a thought leader in your industry? Do you feel deeply aligned with your business's impact on the planet? If any of these questions made you pause, this program is for you 😉

    How much 1 on 1 attention can I expect from Sam?

    In RBCL there are 3 ways to get feedback — 1. In the monthly group coaching calls where you can get a hot-seat (and if you can’t make it live, you can absolutely submit your Q ahead of time), 2. In the monthly pop-up private community. 3. You can submit your question for the monthly Q&A transmissions.

    How much time will this program take?

    This is somewhat up to you. Each core program within the Creation Lab has its own set of materials and practices. On average, dedicating approximately 3 hours per module is recommended to get the best possible results. However, the program is designed to be flexible, allowing you to move through the material at your own pace. Some areas may need more energy than others, as we all have different inclinations, fascinations, and pasts.

    What exactly is a Regenerative Business?

    Great question! A Regenerative Business is a model that focuses on creating systems that are self-sustaining and beneficial for both the business and the environment. It's about building a business ecosystem that thrives without constant intervention, much like a natural ecosystem.

    How long will I have access to the content?

    You'll have lifetime access to the content. Once you sign up and complete all payments, it's yours forever PLUS all future additions or improvements.

    Do you offer scholarships?

    Yes! We offer IMPACT scholarships at a sliding scale for businesses that are actively and directly supporting environmental change who need financial assistance. Please email with details about your financial situation, what level of financial support you require, and how you'll use RBCL to help further your business' mission.

    When do the live calls take place?

    Live calls are generally on the first Wedneday of each month at 12pm PT / 3pm ET / 8pm GMT.

    Here's the full schedule for 2024:

    Wednesday, June 5th — 12pm PT / 3pm ET

    Wednesday, June 12th — 12pm PT / 3pm ET — **BONUS CALL: Live Ritual & Energy Work with Julia Albain of Radical Healers**

    Wednesday, June 19th — 12pm PT / 3pm ET **BONUS CALL FOR JUNE BLOOM**

    Wednesday, June 26th — Time TBA **BONUS CALL: Live Ritual with Rachel Maddox of Biz Witchery**

    Wednesday, July **10th** — 12pm PT / 3pm ET

    Wednesday, August 7th — 12pm PT / 3pm ET

    Wednesday, September 4th — 12pm PT / 3pm ET

    Wednesday, October **9th** — 12pm PT / 3pm ET

    Wednesday, November 6th — 12pm PT / 3pm ET

    Wednesday, December 4th — 12pm PT / 3pm ET

    Have a different question?

    Book a call and Caleigh from the Dirty Alchemy team can talk it out with you.

    Not into calls? I totally get that — send us an email at or DM me on Instagram @thedirtyalchemy


    Regenerative Business Creation Lab isn’t just a comprehensive training program,

         it’s a group spell…


    Your energy + my energy + the collective group energy + the energy of the whole fucking earth…

    All focused on one SPECIFIC intention:

    To transform your business into a self-sustaining, regenerative ecosystem.

    Take a moment to imagine waking up to an inbox full of inquiries from humans who resonate deeply with your mission and vision.

    Picture yourself smirking as you step away from your business for a vacation, knowing that your regenerative systems are in place, and your business is thriving even while you’re off galavanting.

    Feel the relief, knowing that your business is not only paying you and your team well, but also making a positive impact on the world and the environment.

    This outcome is not a ‘nice idea.’

    It’s a memory.

    Of a future that’s inevitable if you desire and choose it.


    Want to speed up this reality unfolding and snap it into your now?

    Regenerative Business Creation Lab is for you. 


    Already a member? Login Now >>

    © 2024 DIRTY ALCHEMY INC, All Rights Reserved